+N Consulting, Inc.

C# Generics - Interface declaration

I was challenged recently with a question about generics with constraints.

The claim was that it’s only a compile flaw that allows your to declare an interface for a generic type with a constraint. Namely that the syntax

public interface ISomething <T> where T: SomeClass

would pass compilation but would not be useful (runtime) because you can’t declare a variable

ISomething myVar = new ISomething<SomeClass>();

or something to that extent. I went home feeling a bit uneasy about the discussion, then coded this up the way I see it. While it is completely true that you can’t ‘new’ an interface, _using _an interface that has a generic type is completely possible and legal.

Here it is in all it’s g(l)ory.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
/// Demo of generic interface declaration with constraint.
/// Showing compilation and runtime feasibility.
namespace NH.Demo
class Demo
static void Main(string[] args)
ITryInstance o1 = new GenericInstanceA();
ITry<MyDerivedType> o2 = new GenericInstanceB();
Console.WriteLine("Generic instance 1 " + o1.ProperT.SomeField);
Console.WriteLine("Generic instance 2 " + o2.ProperT.SomeField);

interface ITry<T> where T : MyBaseType
T ProperT{ get; }

public class MyBaseType
public string SomeField;

public class MyDerivedType : MyBaseType
public MyDerivedType(string arg)
base.SomeField = arg;


interface ITryInstance : ITry<MyDerivedType>

/// <summary>
/// this will fail. cosntraint violation
/// "The type 'string' must be convertible
/// to 'NH.Demo.MyBaseType' in order to use it as
/// parameter 'T' in the generic type or
/// method 'NH.Demo.ITry<T>'"
/// </summary>
//interface IFail : ITry<string> { }
public class GenericInstanceA : ITryInstance
MyDerivedType ITry<MyDerivedType>.ProperT
get { return new MyDerivedType("hi there!"); }

public class GenericInstanceB : ITry<MyDerivedType>
MyDerivedType ITry<MyDerivedType>.ProperT
get { return new MyDerivedType("hi there! again"); }


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